Golf…The Greatest Game

“I’ve spent most of my life golfing – the rest I’ve just wasted.”
- Unknown

Golf can leave several impressions on people.  It truly is the greatest game.  There is the physical aspect, the actual motion that you take in making a swing and hitting the ball towards your target.  There is the mental aspect, trying to strategize and think your way around the golf course.  You are always thinking and always need to take several factors into consideration on each shot.  Factors such as your lie, the wind, how well are you playing on that particular day.

But there is so much about golf that makes individuals better people.  Unique to the sport is the fact that you call penalties on yourself.  There are no referees on the course watching you play.  This is where players develop honesty and integrity.

Golf is also a game of respect.  Unlike other modern day sports, I’m very confident in saying that I have never seen two players get into a brawl during the tournament.  Golf teaches you to respect your opponent.  If they play better than you, then they deserve to beat you.  Even in the face of defeat, when you watch the players on television, you still see the removal of a hat and a handshake at the end of the round.

To help make a better society, I think that more people should take up golf.  I will argue with anyone that golf is not great game.  Not only for the endless pursuit of perfection, but for the character traits that a player will learn, and possess, as a result of playing this great game.  Don’t get me wrong I enjoy other sports just as much as the next guy.  But if a sport can help mold a person into a genuinely good human being, then I think that we should all do our part to get more people involved in this, the greatest game.